Friday, June 8, 2012

Kari Po-Ku 50 Followers Giveaway

Posted by tary at 3:55 AM 0 comments
Huaa.. such a long time!
Found this blog today and luckily they running a giveaway of books!

So, there will be 3 winners. First winner will win 4 book of her/his choice from the list, second winner will win 3 books her/his choice from the list, and the third winner will win 2 books her/his choice from the list. AND for every 100 followers, He'll add 2 consolation winners. Also, If you don't want any books from the list, you can choose your own book worth $15 from TBD.
Nice, huh? Join here

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Posted by tary at 10:53 AM 0 comments

Damnit why is it that every time I feel like writing in this thing i'm super pissed off or super confused? Nothing can ever be easy can it? I mean, you live your life being someone who you think you are, and one day you change. It can be the most obvious or latent thing that stimulates this change, but when it happens you don't even know it. I've always conducted myself in such a manner that is kind and polite, but now i don't even know if that's who i ever was. I've made some pretty big decisions that I would have never made before and I look back on those decisions and don't regret them. i knew what i was getting into. i trully did, but my downfall that will forever torment me is that I care too goddamn much about the  others opinions. it's not even shit talking that gets to me cause we all know that's just a part of life, but when i mean I care too much about people's opinions is that i care too much about what the people think. The people who I care about and who care about me. yeah, it's a good thing to listen to what others have to say, but my problem would have to be that I take their opinion of a situation completely to heart. I rather do the "right and responsible thing" than actually do how I feel. and in the long run, is that so bad? Is me setting my feelings to the side to make someone else's life easier so wrong? Some would argue yes.

I've always considered myself to be a pretty open person, who speaks their mind and shares their feelings. However, it's been brought to my attention that I'm the opposite. I've always said what I felt with no apologies, but not too long ago I figured I was doing something wrong. Something was wrong about me, so i changed who i was hoping that things wouldn't end up the same way. Suprise surprise! I'm wrong again. 

There's no happy median.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

so much to tell

Posted by tary at 11:32 PM 0 comments

bakal panjang kalo diceritain gimana rasanya, susahnya, deritanya, bebannya, senangnya (?) buat bisa make jubah, topi dan dikasih skrol ijazah. haha tapi lega akhirnya bisa selesain degree :D

Saturday, June 12, 2010

world cup 2010

Posted by tary at 5:26 PM 2 comments

dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa saya akan turut berpartisipasi dalam WorldCup 2010 South Africa. ikut nonton doang sih paling. bahaha. sekian. Salam Olahraga!


Friday, May 21, 2010

[Game] illusion

Posted by tary at 10:13 PM 3 comments

"Take a look at the spinning girl. Do you see it spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise? I see it spinning counter-clockwise, but i was able to switch it in the other direction, its hard for many people. Give it a try."

Mau tau 9 trik bermain dengan otak lainnya? klik disini. Lalala~ berhasil? berhasil? pertama aku liat emang keliatannya dia mutar searah jarum jam. setelah nyoba nyoba dan nyoba akhirnya keliatan juga dianya muter ga searah jarum jam. hehe. belakangan ini (sebenernya beberapa jam yang lalu) aku mulai tertarik sama permainan ilusi kayak begini. katanya biar otaknya gimana-gimana gitu ya. tapi tujuan aku bukan itu. karena emang penasaran ama jawabannya. asli loh. karena emang otak aku ga seberapa juga sih ya jadi kadang suka agak lama dapet jawabannya. jadi bawaanya setelah itu pengen nyoba lagi ilusi lain tapi harus dengan waktu yang lebih singkat. halah. haha.

Untuk gambar cewek muter2 diatas itu, kalo ga berhasil juga coba gini, fokus dulu sama hal lain, trus baru liat lagi gambarnya. dia bakal berputar ke arah sebaliknya. aku sih berhasil :)

oke. satu lg deh ya? hehe. lukisan dibawah ini dibuat sama American Wildlife artist, Rusty Rust dan dikasih nama "The Hidden Tiger". well, emang ada tiger gede2 disitu tapi ada alasan lain kenapa Rusty ngasih nama kayak gitu. kalo bisa jawab, yaudah sih. hehehe. kalo mau komen juga gapapa. haha. 

Sekian :)

Friday, April 16, 2010


Posted by tary at 3:18 AM 0 comments
Kadang aku suka bertanya ama diri aku sendiri, dewasa itu apa? wajib ya semua orang itu bersikap dewasa? faktor apa yang mengukur kedewasaan seseorang? trus kalau dewasa hidup kita bahagia?, dan masih banyak lagi pertanyaan yang sering keluar dari otak aku. roommate aku juga sering sekali ngerasa kalau dia belum dewasa. "kita ini udah 20 tahun, tar. masa kita belum dewasa juga?" aku cuma bisa jawab"eh? kita belum dewasa ya? kok berasanya udah..?". setiap kali orang bilang atau nanya "kapan ya kita dewasa?" aku biasanya cuma jawab "emang dewasa itu gimana?". sampai akhirnya, malam ini aku memutuskan untuk nyaritau apa itu dewasa di dunia pergooglean. aku coba pakai keyword "dewasa". dan hasilnyaaaa... tadaaaa

Hahahaha. parah ih google. musnah harapanku untuk tau arti dewasa. trus aku coba lagi nyari, masih dgn google tapi coba pake keyword "mature" dan hasilnya juga kurang lebih lah ama versi indonesia. well, aku speechless. sekian


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